The Benefits of Reading a Health Blog For Specific Health Conditions

15 Jul 2023 by Acklor

USA, 15 June 2023 Getting readers to read your blog isn’t always easy. But if you focus on writing in plain language, using copywriting frameworks, and identifying your perfect audience, you can boost engagement.

Participants cited staying updated on the condition (pathos) as their primary motivation for reading medical blogs, with many also noting increased motivation to perform a preventative health action such as skin checks or doctor appointments.

1. Increased awareness

Many people use blogs to report their experiences and feelings about a medical condition. Some choose to publish their posts publicly, while others share them with a select group of friends and family. Regardless of their intended audience, these blogs provide an opportunity for readers to stay informed and connect with one another.

Several studies have found that reading a health blog influences intentions to take future preventative health actions. 2 experimental scenario-based studies and 1 qualitative survey of real blog readers confirmed that reading a medical blog impacts these intentions, but perceived risk or severity of disease does not mediate these effects. These findings suggest that the type of blog may influence health intentions through its ability to appeal to ethos or pathos.

2. Increased motivation

Many patients undergoing treatment for health conditions write blogs to document their experiences and feelings, sharing them with friends and family or a wider public. This research corroborates that such blog content can positively influence readers’ intentions to perform preventative health actions.

This was true regardless of whether the blog content emphasized the personal story of the patient, the statistics related to the health condition, or the general health-related topic. The statistical blog was the most effective at influencing health intention, and this effect did not vary by reader’s perception of their own disease risk.

In addition, participants rated all 3 blog excerpts as easy to read and understand, well-written, informative, interesting, and emotional. Interestingly, the blog that emphasized the statistical data reduced perceived barriers to screening by reducing the portion of readers’ cancer risk they attributed to chance or fate.

3. Increased knowledge

Across 3 studies, blog reader responses indicated that reading medical blogs produced intentions to take preventative health actions. Intentions were influenced by the format of the blog, but not by disease risk perceptions or readers’ personal beliefs. Both a personal narrative and a statistical blog impacted health intentions, with the statistical blog being most effective in both studies.

Participants cited keeping up with updates on their friend or loved one’s condition, supporting the person who wrote the blog, and learning about the disease process as reasons to read a medical blog. In addition, many reported that they liked when the author was transparent and honest, used humor, or explained detailed scientific information. In one study, participants rated the quality of each blog excerpt on readability, informativeness, and interest on 7-point bipolar scales.

4. Increased social support

Reading medical blogs can help people feel supported and connected to others. The blog readers in this study reported that they read the personal stories to stay updated and connect with the author, as well as to get encouragement and hope. They also cited the desire to be helpful to their friends and family members.

onal story or statistical data), the blog was effective in increasing participants’ intentions to take preventative health actions. The research corroborates previous findings that reading patient-created content is an effective strategy for driving preventative health intentions. In addition, the study found that neither perceived susceptibility nor severity of disease mediated this effect. The results suggest that health professionals and organizations can use the information in medical blogs to influence their patients.


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